The New War For the Physical Last Mile

Few things fascinate me more than bringing digital immediacy into physical. As I have blogged about, I was an early and frequent customers of Kozmo in NY and DC and am fascinated by Amazon’s ability to surprise me sometimes with same-day delivery.

This thesis is beginning to heat up.  In addition to Amazon, the WSJ reports yesterday on ebay, Walmart and Google’s efforts to cut the time between desire and fulfilment.  Also this week, the Economist speculates on Google potentially buying UPS to compete with Amazon’s distributed delivery centers, nothing that “[at] $69 billion UPS has a market value less than a third of Google’s; it is valued at less than twice the search giant’s cash pile.”

And as a bonus, the same WSJ article updates me that Joe Park — the bold, way ahead-of-his-time founder and CEO of Kozmo — is now running!

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