The Next Willie Mays Is Not Playing Baseball

That is what matters.

As military historians know, better than looking at current victories in judging the future course of a war is looking at re-supply lines and logistics.  This was the lesson the British Empire learned in the Revolutionary War, as early victories could not be sustained as supplies and personnel could not be replenished across the ocean.

On the day that we expect the  once potential “greatest player ever” to be suspended a season and a half to a lifetime, the baseball grey hair might want to consider that lesson.  The quintupling of revenues in less than two decades and the recent sale price of the LA Dodgers should not give false comfort.  More important is what is happening “down the supply line.”  The numbers to pay attention to — as a dad of a young told me — are that Little League participation is down by over a third, and leagues are struggling to fill teams.

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