Being Lost, Getting Found

The Apple Maps fiasco — requiring an apology from Tim Cook and an endorsement of other mapping apps —  is indicative of how important local is to Apple, Google, FourSquare, Yahoo, etc, moving forward, as more and more internet use is mobile.

Local sells mobile.

The WSJ has a nice stat today about how key local is to the rivalry of the big guys as the world moves to mobile:

Opus Research has estimated that mobile ads associated with maps or locations account for about 25% of the roughly $2.5 billion spent on ads in mobile devices in 2012.

Relatedly, if you watch this video of Dennis Crowley discussing FourSquare, he doesn’t seem as insistent about staying independent anymore.  A mega-acquisition is quite likely in the near future.  My guess is that it will be the biggest recent exit in NYC start-up history.